Teacher Resources

Genealogy Clue Sources

Cemetery Tombstones: Google the cemetery names
For Cemeteries: Alabama Cemetery Preservation Alliance
For Graves: www.usgwtombstones.org/alabama/index.htm
Obituaries: www.deathindexes.com/alabama/index.html
Example: (Birmingham News (4/27/1993-Present)
U.S. Census: http://www.us-census.org/  http://www.ancestry.com/
Death Certificates:  www.archives.alabama.gov/referenc/vital.html $15 for death certificates
CSA Regimental Histories
Google individual regiments and companies
Confederate Widows' Pension Claims
Family Search

Sherlock Holmes would say that researching one's family tree is like solving a great mystery.  When solving a mystery, we must develop clues.  I have attached Sherlock's list of genealogy clue sources. 

Good Hunting!